What is Sterilisation?
Prevention of Animal Cruelty is as easy as ABC. Animal Birth Control.
What is Animal Birth Control ?
Sterilisation or “Fixing” What is Sterilisation or “Fixing” ?
It is a short procedure done by a Vet under anaesthesia. Pets can be sterilised from 3 months old already
Spaying refers to the sterilisation procedure that is done to female pets. During this surgery the reproductive organs, the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus are removed. She will not be able to go into heat and get pregnant.
Neutering or castration refers to the sterilisation procedure for male pets. During this surgery the male reproductive organs, the testicles, are removed and he will be unable to impregnate a female.
Medical benefits of sterilisation
Reduce uterine infections in males and females.
Elimination of testicle, prostate and ovarian cancer.
Reduces the risk of mammary cancer.
Elimination of uterus infection.
Other benefits of sterilisation
Reduce marking of territory, roaming and fights.
Why Sterilise?
There are just NOT ENOUGH HOMES for all those dogs and cats. IF there were enough homes why are there so many shelters?
Appromimiately 1 million dogs and cats are euthanised per year in South Africa only. The shelters do NOT want to do it but they have not other option.
An unsterilised pet and its off-spring can produce over 60 000 lives in 6 years
Prevention of:
Animal cruelty and abuse.
Euthanasia of unwanted pets.
Pet overpopulation problems, shelters will not be overfull.
Marking of territory, roaming and fights. Sexually active males spray or mark their territories, roam and jump fences to get to females on heat. They are more aggressive and prone to fighting each other.
Medical facts
Reduce uterine infections in males and females.
Elimination of testicle, prostate and ovarian cancer.
Reduces the risk of mammary cancer.
Elimination of uterus infection.
Repeated pregnancies cause unnecessary strain on the female cat or dog and reduces her life span.
Please discuss the importance of Sterilisation with your Vet.
NOTE: Your pets can already be sterilised from the age of 3 months .