Affording Sterilisation
We have to stop making others pay for our MISTAKES
Yes sterilisation is expensive, but which medical procedure is not?
Worst of all, the animals pay in suffering. We have to own up to our responsibility.
Humans like to live a life of comfort and luxury and we spend money on this privilege.
Sterilisation is only a ONCE OFF COST which averages between R 500 – R 2 500, however we always have excuses about not being able to afford it.
Lay-by your pet's sterilisation. All you need to do is pay an amount into your Vet's bank account every month until you have built up enough credit to cover the cost of a spay or neuter.
Contact Vetpay Veterinary Finances. They can give you a loan for any procedure including sterilisation. The loan is made within the strict rules of the National Credit Act of SA. The loan will be paid directly to the vet. /
Easy for us to swipe our credit card for luxuries, by why not for your pet's sterilisation?
What are our children’s monthly costs?
School fees? On average R1 000 or more!
Medical aid and medical fees?
After school activities?
Spending money?
If we don’t have children.
Our own monthly luxury expenses?
Our monthly clothes expenses?
Having our hair done?
A weekly game of golf?
Coffee / cocktail meetings with friends?
Having our nails done?
Our twice weekly dinner out